
supporting a struggling reader
Literacy Sarah Literacy Sarah

supporting a struggling reader

Some children, roughly 15-20%, will struggle with learning to read due to a reading disability, like dyslexia. That’s 1 in 5 people. Another 40-50% of children need structured literacy — systematic, explicit instruction. Approximately 35% of children learn to read easily with systematic instruction. And only 5% of children learn to read on their own. Children need high-quality, structured literacy instruction. And you can do it.

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Structured Literacy in Homeschooling
Literacy Sarah Literacy Sarah

Structured Literacy in Homeschooling

When it comes to literacy instruction, structured literacy has emerged as a highly effective method that equips students with strong reading and writing skills. In this blog post, we'll dive into structured literacy and explore its benefits for homeschooling families.

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IEW: a guide
Curriculum Sarah Curriculum Sarah

IEW: a guide

IEW’s writing curriculum offerings can be really confusing. In this blog post I break down all the different options for elementary writing curriculum from IEW.

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math through the years
Curriculum Sarah Curriculum Sarah

math through the years

Choosing a math curriculum can be really overwhelming. In this post, I share a glimpse into my thinking as we have navigated math curriculum over the years, with the hopes that it will help you not jump through as many programs as we have.

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