biomes & habitats resources

flat lay of biomes and habitats books

We recently wrapped up a study of the world’s biomes and habitats. Do you know the difference between a biome, ecosystem, and habitat? I didn’t, but now I do! 

Biome: defined by climate (temperature, precipitation, and sunlight) and classified according to its plants and animals 

Ecosystem: the community and intersections of living and nonliving things in an area

Habitat: an environment where an organism lives throughout the year or for shorter periods of time.


A “spine” is a book used as the main resource for a given study. It is what guides your learning and teaching. 

Additional Resources

We also pulled in a variety of habitat-specific picture books. 


My kids did a lot of drawing and writing throughout their biomes study.

My 3rd grader worked in his science notebook for daily learning and in his science journal for a weekly, formal notebooking page. 


My 1st grader studied habitats through a unit in Nancy Larson Science 1st grade and completed science journal pages as part of her learning. 


For more on notebooking, check out my notebooking guide.


Former teacher turned homeschool mama. Follow along as I navigate three kids, education, and motherhood in our coastal New England town.


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