Literacy Consulting

I am currently offering consulting related to literacy planning, instruction, and interventions for struggling readers. 

I am also offering assessment and analysis using benchmark and diagnostic assessments to determine a student’s strengths and weaknesses and possible areas of concern. The assessments I currently offer are DIBELS, LETRS Phonics and Wordy Survey, PAST, and spelling inventories. While I do not offer dyslexia assessments and diagnosis, I can provide insight using the assessments I do offer and guide instruction and interventions to try before getting (often) costly formal assessment and private tutoring.

$250 - Initial Assessments and a 1-hour Zoom Literacy Consulting Session

Includes initial assessments (roughly 30 min via Zoom), 1-hour consult, summary notes, and plan emailed within one week, and an email check-in approximately three weeks out.

Who this is for:

  • Parents who would like a professional opinion on their child's literacy development, analysis of their child's strengths and weaknesses, and areas for targeted instruction. I offer screeners and diagnostic surveys to flag concerns and guide instruction (DIBELS, PAST, LETRS, and PSI). I do not provide formal dyslexia or learning disability evaluations.

  • Parents who would like individual-specific advice and recommendations for reading, spelling, word study, and writing for their preschool to 9-year-old child. 

  • Parents who are concerned their child isn't making adequate progress in reading, spelling, word study, and/or writing and would like an outside professional’s opinion and intervention plan before considering an official diagnosis and/or private tutoring. 

$125 - Follow Up 1-hour Session(s)

Follow-up sessions are available for clients who have had an initial consult or my assessments and analysis and would like further discussion regarding the assessments.

Who this is for:

Parent(s) who have further questions or concerns following an initial consultation or assessments. 

$75/half hour - Ongoing Support Package

30 minutes of client messages (my responses do not count towards time) on Voxer or Marco Polo (pay as you go in 30-minute increments). 

Who this is for:

  • Parent(s) who would like ongoing communication and support for literacy development.  

If you are interested in literacy consulting, please click the link below to fill out a form, and I will be in touch with you soon!