Curriculum Consulting

$150 - Initial 1-hour Zoom Curriculum Consulting Session

Includes 1-hour consult, summary notes, and curriculum recommendations emailed within one week, and an email check-in approximately three weeks out.

Who this is for: 

  • Parent(s) who would like family/individual curriculum recommendations for specific content areas. 

  • Parent(s) who are new to homeschooling or considering homeschooling and would like an overview of secular and non-sectarian curriculum options with specific recommendations based on their family's education style and needs.

$150 - Benchmark Assessments and Check-In

Includes benchmark assessments and analysis (roughly 30 min via Zoom) and a 1-hour check-in consult for one child, additional children are $50 each. Follow-up check-ins with benchmarks throughout the same academic year are $125.

Who this is for: 

  • Parent(s) who would like to check in periodically throughout the school year to discuss their child’s education and progress throughout the school year.

$75/Half Hour - Ongoing Support Package: 

30 minutes of client messages (my responses do not count towards time) on Voxer or Marco Polo (pay as you go in 30-minute increments). 

Who this is for:

Parent(s) who would like ongoing communication and support regarding homeschooling.

If you are interested in literacy consulting, please click the link below to fill out a form, and I will be in touch with you soon!