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Preschool & Pre-K

For our family, the preschool years are still pretty much play and experience-based.

When my oldest was in his preschool years, we did a lot of fun monthly themes based on his interests. For each theme, like boats, I would pull in books, songs, activities, and experiential learning where appropriate.

When my middle kiddo was born, she was just folded into our daily routines, and she learned alongside her older brother. While I did not do monthly themes with her to the same extent, we did incorporate her interests into themed morning baskets, activities, and experiential learning.

By the time my third kiddo joined the scene, we were up and fully homeschooling two older kiddos and he was along for the ride.

Recommended Preschooler Resources (3-4 years old):

Recommended Pre-Kindergarten Resources (4-5 years old):

Check out Our Favorite Items for the Preschool Years on Amazon: