homeschooling: where to begin

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You know the drill. You start something new. Or you get thrown into a situation you thought you would never be in. You don’t even know what to Google or what hashtag to search. You click on ONE THING!!! And it takes you down rabbit hole after rabbit hole... Before you know it, it’s 1 AM, and you’ve given yourself carpal tunnel and a migraine with nothing to show for it. Yeah, been there, done that, and impulse bought 5 statement t-shirts... I mean, sure, they’re good shirts and all, but still...

Homeschooling is no different. Maybe you’ve always known you would try homeschooling. Maybe you have no choice right now – doesn’t matter.  The “overwhelm” factor is real. WHERE DO I EVEN START?! Here. You start here. Below you will find my top recommendations for new-to-homeschooling reads.

The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education by Ainsley Arment

You can find Ainsley on Instagram, on her podcast, and here.

The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life by Julie Bogart

You can find Julie on Instagram, on her podcast, and here.

The Read Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids by Sarah Mackenzie

You can find Sarah on Instagram, on her podcast, and here.

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: Nurturing our Children from Birth to Seven by Barbara J. Patterson and Pamela Bradley


Former teacher turned homeschool mama. Follow along as I navigate three kids, education, and motherhood in our coastal New England town.


preschool + rhythm


morning basket