intro to chemistry

flat lay of chemistry picture books

We recently wrapped up our first unit of Nancy Larson Science (NLS) 3rd grade - Investigating Elements and Compounds. We had not studied chemistry at all until this point and my son was eager to dive in. The NLS unit provided a good introduction, but my son wanted a deeper dive so we pulled in a variety of additional materials. 

These books have been a huge hit: 

Additional Resources

We are also extending the learning by incorporating additional reading, vocabulary work, and projects from several Nomad Press guides (for more on Nomad Press, see my video review here): 

We have also enjoyed a variety of chemistry videos from Crash Course Kids, you can find those on our NLS 3rd-grade YouTube playlist.

Depending on how far he wants to go with chemistry, we might check out the Science Mom Chemistry course.


Former teacher turned homeschool mama. Follow along as I navigate three kids, education, and motherhood in our coastal New England town.


Nancy Larson Science


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