Second Grade

Favorite resources and curricula.

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Second grade is a year of skill consolidation and fluency building. It is also the year that I recommend starting a formal writing program if you have not already.

Recommended Second Grade Resources:

Language Arts

  • Continue with an explicit, systematic reading program. Consider starting novel studies if you have a child fluently reading beginning chapter books (think Magic Tree House-type books). My go-to resource for novel studies are Novel Ties guides (I share about these in my literature highlights on Instagram).

  • Continue with formal spelling instruction. My go-to spelling recommendations are All About Spelling and Spelling Connections (workbook only). Check out my Spelling Guide for routines and instructional strategies.

  • Begin a systematic, explicit writing program. My recommendations include the thematic writing programs from the Insitute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), Write by Number (WBN), and Essentials in Writing (EIW). Check out my Writing Guide for evidence-based writing instruction recommendations and my Notebooking Guide for ideas for incorporating narration, drawing, and writing into your content areas.


Social Studies

Continue or begin a social studies routine. You can opt for a “mastery” or cycle approach where you cycle through different historical periods. You can also opt to focus on interest-based social studies, utilizing unit study resources. We have dabbled in a bit of both, following my kiddos’ interests. Programs we have enjoyed include:


Continue or begin a science routine. You can opt for a “mastery” approach where you do a deep dive on one area of science for the whole year (or break into semesters), a spiral approach where you cycle through different branches of science each year, or a unit study approach. Similarly to social studies, we have dabbled in all three methods, following my kiddos’ interests. Programs we have enjoyed include:

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