Learn How to Use My Top Three Literacy Assessment Tools in Your Homeschool
Grab the assessments, guide, and video playlist for $50!
Are you a homeschooling parent wondering if your child is making appropriate progress?
You have the curriculum; you teach the lessons, and you *feel* like your child is making progress. But you have doubts and question yourself; "Am I doing enough? Are they *really* getting it? I wish I knew how they were doing."
This is where quick, evidence-based benchmark assessments come in. Schools across the country *should* use universal screeners to identify kids at risk in reading instruction. We can use these at home, too, and we have an advantage — we know the child inside and out.
If you are anything like me, you see a new shiny curriculum on social media and you think, “Maybe this is what we *need.*” Not all curricula are a good fit for every family, and there are many factors that go into selecting a reading program.
Not all curricula are created equally. How do you know if the curriculum you are using is effective? Do you ask yourself questions like, “Are we moving at the right pace?” or “Is this fast enough? Is it too fast?”
Benchmark assessments can provide the peace of mind that your child is making appropriate progress. They can confirm concerns that a curriculum or approach isn't a great fit. They give you data points to act on. And they are relatively simple and quick to implement.
Do you find yourself questioning your reading curriculum?
What You’ll Learn In This Guide
In part 1, you’ll get set up for the course by accessing your downloads, assessments, and workbook.
In this section, you will learn about the assessments included in your assessment toolkit and how to select appropriate assessments.
In part 3, you will learn how to administer and score the assessments, including practice assessments and analysis.
In part 4, we discuss next steps — goal setting and progress monitoring.
In the final section, you will follow 2 case studies from beginning to end — complete assessment profiles and analysis.
My Literacy Assessments Guide is a 20-page guide with a corresponding 15+ video playlist to walk you through selecting, administering, and analyzing literacy assessments in your homeschool.
In this guide, I teach you how to give all the same assessments I give in my literacy consults. These tools will help you gauge your student’s literacy growth, assess what skills they need to review, and where to begin instruction.
The video playlist teaches step-by-step how to give these assessments with practice demonstrations, analysis, and case studies.
About Me
Hi, I'm Sarah from Homespun Childhood.
I'm a former elementary teacher turned homeschool mom of three.
I have BA in Elementary Education from Elon University, an M.Ed in Early Childhood Education and Literacy Development from UGA, and am LETRS 1 & 2 certified.
As a teacher, I taught kindergarten, 1st grade, and 3rd grade in public and private school settings. I taught in an inclusion classroom where roughly half of my class each year had special learning needs.
During my years in the classroom, I ran workshops on literacy instruction, classroom setup, and assessments/progress monitoring.
As a homeschool parent and member of the homeschool community, I'm excited to share my professional experience and knowledge with you.
The assessments are geared toward elementary-age students. However, the assessments are applicable to any child working on reading instruction and spelling.
Some assessments are timed (1-3 minutes), while others are untimed. In the course, I teach you how to break the assessments up over time and work with your child in an informal way.
The videos are in an unlisted YouTube playlist. Once you purchase the guide, you can access all the materials and video playlist.
This guide includes roughly 2 hours of video material to teach you how to administer the assessments.
You have lifetime access to all materials and videos.
Your assessment toolkit will provide assessments for kindergarten through 6th grade. You will learn how to select assessments to use each year. This course provides you with the assessments and tools for all your child’s elementary years.